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Walks to engage and satisfy

An enriching walk allows for a dog to interact with their environment, read their pee-mail, explore at their own pace and enjoy appropriate socializing. 

Liken it to a walk through your favorite neighborhood. Keeping a good pace while still stopping to check out this shop window or that street performer.  Nice no? You'd be relaxed and happy. That is what an enriching walk is. 

Now imagine someone tugging at your sleeve the entire time, calling out "come on!” You’d feel frustrated and stressed and that feeling would stay with you the entire day. 

We keep a pace designed for whichever group we have at that time. Both physical and mental stimulation is our goal for the dogs and they are given their time to sniff, explore, read the pee-mail. And we are always there to guide them away from possible dangers and ensure their safety. 

We use longer leads (monitored and altered for safety to avoid cyclists, other dogs etc) to facilitate their curiosity and to allow them to feel unrestrained in their exploration.

Our packs are carefully curated and we will introduce your dog to their pack members in a natural open setting, sometimes days before the first walk, even picking up your dog to drive her to her new pack friends for a pre-walk meet and greet. We take the time to ensure everyone is comfortable within the group. 

Above all, we never forget that this is their time. And it's deeply satisfying for us to see the dogs interacting with their environment and enjoying themselves so much. 

How and Where We Walk: Welcome
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