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Why not dog-parks?

  1. We are all for well-supervised private dog parks or private “social hours” with knowledgeable staff however public dog parks are simply not a risk we want to take with our clients’ dogs. There’s simply no way of knowing the temperament of the dogs (or their owners) in public parks. Too many owners are focused on conversing with other owners rather than supervising their dogs. In addition, we've seen gates left open just one too many times. 

  2. We walk for those clients who prefer more structured on-leash walk 

    with appropriate socialization and plenty of exploration in diverse areas. 


We avoid dog parks & off-leash: About

Why not off-leash?

It's a risk we are not comfortable with taking with your dog. 

We have been trained in both recall and "really reliable recall" and though we know your dog would absolutely return to you when called back, we don't have the same faith in a situation where a group of dogs are suddenly consumed by an overwhelming distraction. And having spent over 25 years involved daily with large and small animal husbandry we've unfortunately witnessed the devastating consequences that can happen in the blink of an eye when you haven't some control over an animal. 

Some dogs have a strong prey drive, others are jumpy at sudden loud noises or are nervous about strange dogs, all of which occur on the walks. We allow the dogs to explore and enjoy their walk (and it is “their” walk). We also practice avoidance with strangers' dogs. 

We avoid dog parks & off-leash: About
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